Exploring Beauty Through The Lens

Our photography club shares and documents the beauty around us.

Arches & Man
Arches & Man
Lake Sunset
Lake Sunset

Dedicated to Learning and Exploration

Join us to explore, learn, and enjoy the art of photography.

Paparazzi Club Members
Paparazzi Club Members
Sharing Our Passion

Meet and socialize with people who share similar interests.

Improve Our Skills

Want to know the secret to taking better pictures?

Take more photos.

A Desire to Improve

Dedicated to bringing together senior photography enthusiasts to explore, learn, and enjoy the art of photography. Our mission is to create a supportive club where members can share their photos, improve their photography skills, and document the beauty of the world around them.


FOCUS | The Trilogy Photography Club

2018 - Present

Camera Posture - Lighting Awareness - Exposure Control - White Balance - Focusing Techniques - Depth of Field – Creative Skills - Artistic Vision – Storytelling - Color Theory – Composition – Post Processing – Resolution - Nature – Portrait – Landscape – Candid – Patterns - Architecture – Animals – Events – Abstracts – Dark Sky

CBC Band
CBC Band
Club Topics

70+ members

Photographic Exploration

We take pictures, talk about our photos and the stories behind them, have monthly themes to encourage members to keep taking pictures to help us learn new ideas.

Denali Truck
Denali Truck
Osprey & Dinner
Osprey & Dinner
Smarmy Girls
Smarmy Girls

About Us

Whether you use a DSLR, point-and-shoot, or a smartphone camera, you will find our club to be fun, exciting and informative.

All Levels of Photography Enthusiasts
Supportive Photography Community

Join us to document the beauty of the world around us and showcase our zeal for photography. Let's capture moments and create memories together in our supportive club environment.